
Cinq idées reçues sur le bilinguisme en Belgique passées à la loupe (Le Soir)

Le possible rejet d’Enzo Scifo pour un poste d’entraîneur national pour maîtrise non suffisante du néerlandais relance le débat sur le bilinguisme en Belgique. Petit tour d’horizon de l’état des clichés linguistiques dans Le Soir.

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28/03: Conférence "Langues sans frontières"

Le 28 mars, il y a la conférence "Langues sans frontières" à BIP sur la collaborations intercommunautaires et transfontalières pour mieux connaître la langue du voisin et réussir son insertion professionnelle. Le programme: 13.00Accueil café 13.30 Mot de bienvenue, les enjeux du Label européen des langues
et les priorités pour l’Appel à projets de 2019, par Bernadette SCHREUER,
Responsable du Label européen des Langues à la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles 13.40 L’enjeu des langues en Fédération (...)

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03/09/16: Marnix Plan Workshop at Brussels Summer University

Like last year, the Marnix Plan is associated with one of the workshops of the Brussels Summer University (this time at Bozar on Saturday 3 September at 2 pm). The workshop aims to discover various initiatives that help (re)create a "We Brusselers" despite the great heterogeneity — not least linguistic — of the Brussels population. The programme is now [online-> (...)

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Parlez-vous Saint Gillois? Spreekt U Sint-Gillis?

Parlez-vous Saint Gillois? Spreekt U Sint-Gillis? is a project about the spoken language in Saint-Gillis, developed by Constant Association for Art and Media. Between 2013 and 2015, they collected words with a special Saint Gillis character: neologism, hybrid words, inflections, loanwords, and other kinds of extraordinary language that found a new home in this neighborhood. They now published this vocabulary and other activities they did in a booklet under the title "Do you speak Sint (...)

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February 21: International Day of the Mother Tongue

International Mother Language Day has been celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. It was created by UNESCO to make people aware of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding and dialogue. This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of appropriate languages of instruction, usually mother tongues, in early years of schooling. More information can be found (...)

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Les jeunes Bruxellois bientôt trilingues?/ Jonge Brusselaars binnenkort drietalig?

On February 22, the Marnix plan held a conference on the trilingualism of the Brussels youth, in the presence of Rudi Vervoort (president of the Brussels Region), Guy Vanhengel (president of the College of the Flemish Community), Marie-Martine Schyns (Minister of Education of the French Community), and Brigitte Grouwels (member of parliament replacing Minister of Education of the Flemish Community, Hilde Crevits). It resulted in an interesting discussion, which was reported on in Bruzz. We (...)

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17-18/05/16: Language Technology Industry Summit in Brussels

The Language Technology Industry Summit will hold its annual gathering on the 17th and 18th May in Brussels to discuss the latest developments on languages, technologies, business and government. The Summit is the yearly gathering the Language Technology Industry and the point of convergence between the Industry, its clients, research partners and policy makers. The keynote speaker will be Mr. Michael Hager, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mr. G. Oettinger. (...)

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Report European Commission on Multilingual Classrooms

The European Commission posted a series of recommendations and reports on multilingual classrooms aimed at providing guidelines and identifying successful strategies and best practices for language learning in multilingual settings. You can find more information on the European Commission’s website on languages here. You can also read the report on language teaching and learning in multilingual classrooms (...)

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